Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Multiple sensors interfacing to Telosb through I2C connection

   Here i have interfaced two sensors, accelerometer and temperature sensor with Telosb mote using parallel I2C connection. Zigbee part is also integrated with the program.


TMP102 GND   -> TELOSB 9 pin (GND)
TMP102 VCC    -> TELOSB 1 pin (VCC)
TMP102 SDA    -> TELOSB 8 pin (SDA)
TMP102 SCL    -> TELOSB 6 pin (SCL)
TMP102 ADD0 -> TELOSB 9 pin (GND)
TMP102 ALT    -> Left unconnected

ADXL345 GND -> TELOSB 9 pin (GND)
ADXL345 VCC  -> TELOSB 1 pin (VCC)
ADXL345 CS     -> TELOSB 1 pin (VCC)
ADXL345 SDA  -> TELOSB 8 pin (SDA)
ADXL345 SCL  -> TELOSB 6 pin  (SCL)
ADXL345 SDO  -> TELOSB 9 pin (GND)

The circuit i created for interfacing the sensors with Telosb is given below. I have used an intermediate interfacing board for connection.


   Transmitter Program

      Programming is done with Nesc in TinyOS. Four main files are here I2CAPPC.nc, , I2CC.nc, I2CRadio.h and Makefile.

#include "I2CRadio.h"

configuration I2CAppC{

implementation {
   components MainC, I2CC as App;
   App.Boot -> MainC;

   components LedsC;
   App.Leds -> LedsC;

   components new TimerMilliC() as I2CTimer;
   App.I2CTimer -> I2CTimer;

   components new ADXL345C();
   App.axis -> ADXL345C.XYZ;
   App.AccelControl -> ADXL345C.SplitControl;

   components new SimpleTMP102C();
   App.Temp -> SimpleTMP102C.Read;

   components new AMSenderC(AM_I2C);
   App.Packet -> AMSenderC;
   App.AMPacket -> AMSenderC;
   App.AMSend -> AMSenderC;

   components ActiveMessageC;
   App.AMControl -> ActiveMessageC.SplitControl;

   components new AMReceiverC(AM_I2C);
   App.Receive -> AMReceiverC;

#include "printf.h"
#include "ADXL345.h"
module I2CC {
   uses {
      interface Boot;
      interface Leds;
      interface Timer as I2CTimer;
      interface Read as axis;
      interface SplitControl as AccelControl;
      interface Read as Temp;

      interface Packet;
      interface AMPacket;
      interface AMSend;
      interface SplitControl as AMControl;

      interface Receive;

implementation {

   bool busy = FALSE;
   message_t pkt;
   uint16_t counter = 0;

   nx_uint16_t X;
   nx_uint16_t Y;
   nx_uint16_t Z;
   nx_uint16_t Tem;

   event void Boot.booted() {
      call AccelControl.start();

   event void AccelControl.startDone(error_t err) {
      printf("\n\n------Accelerometer started-----\n\n");
      call I2CTimer.startPeriodic(1000);

   event void AccelControl.stopDone(error_t err) {

   event void I2CTimer.fired() {
      call Leds.led0Toggle();
      call axis.read();

   event void axis.readDone(error_t result, adxl345_readxyt_t data) {
      if (result == SUCCESS) {
         X = data.x_axis;
         Y = data.y_axis;
         Z = data.z_axis;
         printf("\nX [%d] Y [%d] Z [%d]\n",X,Y,Z);
         call Temp.read();
      else printf("Error in reading Accelerometer sensor\n");

   event void Temp.readDone(error_t err, uint16_t temp) {
      if (err == SUCCESS) {
         call Leds.led1Toggle();
         printf("Temperature = %d.%d\n\n",temp/100, temp%100);
         call AMControl.start();
      //***************AM Part********************
      else printf("Error in reading Temperature sensor\n");
   event void AMControl.startDone(error_t res) {
      if (res == SUCCESS) {
 //        printf("****AM STARTED****\n");
         if (!busy) {
            I2CRadioMsg* i2cpkt=(I2CRadioMsg*)(call Packet.getPayload(&pkt,sizeof(I2CRadioMsg)));
            i2cpkt -> counter = counter;
            i2cpkt -> xaxis = X;
            i2cpkt -> yaxis = Y;
            i2cpkt -> zaxis = Z;
            i2cpkt -> temp = Tem;
            if (call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &pkt, sizeof(I2CRadioMsg)) == SUCCESS) {
               busy = TRUE;
               call Leds.led2Toggle();
      else {
         call AMControl.start();

   event void AMControl.stopDone(error_t error) {

   event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* msg, error_t error) {
      if (&pkt == msg) busy=FALSE;
      call AMControl.stop();

   event message_t* Receive.receive(message_t* msg, void* payload, uint8_t len) {

#ifndef I2CRADIO_H
#define I2CRADIO_H

typedef nx_struct I2CRadioMsg {
   nx_uint16_t counter;
   nx_uint16_t xaxis;
   nx_uint16_t yaxis;
   nx_uint16_t zaxis;  
   nx_uint16_t temp;  

enum {
   AM_I2C = 7,

CFLAGS += -I$(TOSDIR)/lib/printf
CFLAGS += -I$(TOSDIR)/chips/adxl345
CFLAGS += -I$(TOSDIR)/chips/tmp102

include $(MAKERULES) 


  1. could u help me in how to interface PR senor to telosB

  2. could u please help me how to interface PIR sensor with telosB

  3. Interconnecting PIR with Telosb is pretty straight forward. Connect the o/p pin of PIR to any of the GIO pin of telosb.
    U can refer my post on "GIO Input and Output of TelosB" for using GIO of Telosb. While any movement is detected by PIR it will give a high value to the Telosb GIO i/p, and other wise a low value.
    If u need further clarification plz reply.

    1. Hi I have problem with ADXl345 drivers after all modifications on adxl345 package to make it compatible for telosb I always getting fix numbers like 14848 for all axis . I need to make ot run for my university project could you please help me in this ? I guess You did some modification on the adxl345 dirver package would you please guide me how to make package compatible to telosb ?

    2. How to connect HMC5883L(which is a 3-axis magnetometer) to telosB and is exist any driver for compatibility? and to make MAKEFILE? how to check the makefile content is present or not? i am getting an error in makefile?
      error:printf is not exist but i checked in tinyos/lib/printf but it present there..

  4. Hi I have problem with ADXl345 drivers after all modifications on adxl345 package to make it compatible for telosb I always getting fix numbers like 14848 for all axis . I need to make ot run for my university project could you please help me in this ?

  5. Hi,
    I am trying to interface Soil moisture sensor with TelosB Motes.
    I need to read Analog value frm the sensor connected via ADC0 port of GPIO telosb pins.
    The components HplMSP430C is used to get only digital values.
    I need to combine Read interface with HplMSP430 to get the analog values.
    Is it Possible? Or is der any other components to read the analog values.

    Kindly suggest.
