Monday, March 12, 2012

Data Transmission message sequence Chart – Orginator

  1. MCPS-DATA.request ( 0 x 00–0 x 03(SrcAddrMode ), 0 x 000–0 x ffff (SrcPANId ) SrcAddr (As specified by the SrcAddrMode ) 0 x 00–0 x 03 (DstAddrMode )  x 0000–0 x ffff (DstPANId ) DstAddr(As specified by the DstAddrMode ) msduLength, msdu, 0 x 00–0 x ff(msduHandle) 0000 xxxx(TxOptions ) )

        Higher layer to MAC

  1. PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.request (RX_ON)
        → MAC to PHY

        → PHY to MAC

  1. PLME-CCA.request ()
        → MAC to PHY
        → No parameter.

Note: Do this upto channel is idle.

  1. PLME-CCA.confirm (IDLE(status ))
        → PHY to MAC

  1. PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.request (TX_ON)
        → MAC to PHY

        → PHY to MAC

  1. PD-DATA.request ( psduLength((<=127, msdu length)), psdu(set of octets) )
        → MAC to PHY

Note: Sent Data.

  1. PD-DATA.confirm (SUCCESS)
        → PHY to MAC

  1. PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.request (RX_ON)
        → MAC to PHY

        → PHY to MAC

Note: Wait for macAckWaitDuration, and receive the Acknowledgment.

  1. PD-DATA.indication ( psduLength(<=127, msdu length) psdu(set of octets), 0 x 00 to 0x ff(ppduLinkQuality) )
        → PHY to MAC

  1. PLME-SET-TRX-STATE.request (TRx_off)
        → MAC to PHY

        → PHY to MAC

  1. MCPS-DATA.confirm ( 0 x 000 x ff (MSDU handle), SUCCESS(Status) )
        → MAC to Higher layer.

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